Our Ethics
As third generation jewelry manufacturers and designers, Thomas Michaels Designers, Inc. is committed to designing, manufacturing, and handling our products and design services to ensure that the following ethical policy is consistently met:
It is of utmost importance for Thomas Michael’s Designers, Inc. to continue to promote and maintain environmentally responsible practices for the benefit of our clients and the community in which we operate. Thomas Michael’s Designers, Inc. and its employees will only conduct themselves in a manner that protects the environment and demonstrates stewardship of our world’s natural resources.
We strive for continual improvement through the development of annual initiatives that address the environmental cost and impact of our activities, products and services.
This is being achieved by:
Complying with applicable regulations and standards to which we subscribe Supporting pollution prevention and minimization programs.
Reviewing environmental objectives and continued monitoring of TMD’s performance
Working only with conflict free diamonds as verified by the Kimberly Process Requirements*, ethically sourced Canadian diamonds, ethically sourced gemstones, recycled re-refined gold, platinum, environmentally sound precious metals; avoiding deep rock mined metals.
We recycle all plastic and glass bottles, aluminum cans, steel, copper, batteries, white papers, newspapers, magazines and cardboard packaging
We have replaced all display lights with LED lights which use 75% less energy.
Controlled thermostats, set to energy-saving 68 degrees during the day and cooler at night
The Kimberly process helps to eliminate the flow of any conflict diamonds, sometimes referred to as blood diamonds and requires participating countries to tightly control the import and export of rough diamonds. In addition to these diamonds we also offer Canadian diamonds which are certified conflict free and come from the Canadian arctic, these are also certified by the Canadian code of Conduct (or CCC)to have been responsibly cut and polished. Known for their sparkle and clarity, Canadian diamonds rank among the most spectacular diamonds currently available and the CCC works to ensure that any of these certified diamonds protect the Arctic environment, mine workers and local employees.
Another green possibility that Thomas Michaels Designers offers our clients is recycled diamonds. This means a diamond that has been previously set in jewelry, then removed and re-introduced into the supply chain for resale is another conflict free option we provide. Many millions of recycled diamonds are part of the world’s existing, above ground, supply of diamonds. We are thrilled to participate in the acquisition and reintroduction of these diamonds back into the jewelry supply chain to ensure less waste.
We also buy loose diamonds...breakouts and melee (small diamonds) including all stone sizes, shapes, qualities and quantities.
We use refiners of precious metals that either use recycled gold or ethically sourced gold. In the past 10 years, Thomas was involved at the beginning of ethical precious metals working with other goldsmiths to move the refiners in the direction of ethically produced precious metals.